Saturday, April 16, 2011

Willowside Project, Day 10

Well, it's taking a bit longer to get to John Doe's report than I'd expected and I've one molar less than a few days ago and a big hole in my jaw.  But, here we are.

I use EnergyPro because I learned it some years ago and I'm familiar with it. Plus, it's the one that's accepted by EUC (Energy Upgrade California), which I plan on applying for this project. Looking over the audit form, everything looks good. We should be able to easily improve Doe's house enough to get a couple of thousand rebate. One of the things EnergyPro (I have no financial ties with EnergySoft, just a user of the software) does is model each wall of the house with windows, the roof, and the floor. So it needs the square feet of each wall and the size of each window. What's this? The sketch of the house has all the windows listed but no measurements of any of the walls. I can't calculate the wall sizes without wall lengths and we didn't get that information on the audit day. Arghh! I had my intern, whom I won't name and I doubt will ever make this mistake again, do the window takeoff and didn't notice there was no dimensions on the walls.

There's not much I can do but call John Doe and make another visit, just to dimension the house.  So I'm off to Willowside.

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